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What does the Prayer Center mean to me? The prayer center to me is a refuge to many wounded souls with much needed inner healing and love, where special attention is needed and where one comes to know oneself. Sad to say, in the times we are living, the churches/priests are very busy, so the prayer center is where I go for my wounded soul that needs help in living freedom or even sharing Gods Divine love. I do attend Mass to gain the graces of my sacraments. But I feel that God did a reroute to where he built prayer centers in different areas of the World and this prayer center is one of them to help priests.

We are many dysfunctional souls and with the enlightenment and healing they receive we receive as well. So, to me it's a two way blessing and healing. Jesus said, I have come to set you, free! Yet, because of fear and all our weaknesses, our souls continue to be wounded and we stay blinded from the freedom God intended for us to have. An analogy and a revelation I see is that the Prayer center is like a spiritual rehab, where wounded souls come for inner healing and come to be renewed by receiving healing and much needed graces. They receive a life full of hope that the love of God becomes more intimate in their hearts.

I have been a part of this prayer center for many years from the start. I have experienced many challenges that have taught me that the greatest virtue to overcome it all is LOVE, because God is LOVE!

Our Lady of Guadalupe Divine Mercy P.C.. Dale, Texas