San Juan Pablo II Prayer Center begins because of the necessity of a group of persons to heal physically and spiritually. Afterwards it became necessary to share our experience with many more people and that is how we decided to become a part of the Society of Prayer Centers of Our Lady of Guadalupe, A.C. We opened our doors at Tampico, Tamaulipas on June of 2016.
Our work of 4 years before gave us the ability to serve and attend more than 70 persons. At this actual time we give various workshops, we organize retreats, take the communion to sick people, we have formed work communities, we give support and spiritual counseling and pray for the sick. All this is done with the support of Father David Muniz Fortuna and the directive council.
We also have the support of the Parish of Saint Peter and Saint Paul and Our Lady of the Lourdes at which we have formed communities and use their installations.
We will keep on starting communities in the different municipals of the city of Tampico.
Blanca Macías Arévalo
Leticia Mena Piñeiro
Lupita Rodríguez Leyva
Extend the necessary support to people in emotional and spiritual need and in whatever situation which the presence of our Lord makes a difference.
To be a Prayer Center who invites those who have started the process of healing and wish to share their experience of God’s love with others, to be a part of us so to extend this support to the needy, starting new communities.
To be a Prayer Center who invites those who have started the process of healing and wish to share their experience of God’s love with others, to be a part of us so to extend this support to the needy, starting new communities.
We are codependent when we discover that our life swirls around another person and we feel that we do not have a personal life and that we are the victims of others. The objective of this workshop is to train us to choose and establish healthy relationships.
The objective of this course is to recognize and liberate the person of his blocks which do not permit him grow spiritually and enjoy life.
This course is for people who are interested in integral healing, psychological and spiritual, according to Ignatian spirituality.
It pretends to come in contact and experience Jesus in contemplation and make Him the center of our life and make a commitment with Him in an intimate union so as to be able to serve others with love. It is also for priests, nuns and monks, lay people, prayer centers, community development, and to every one who desires to have a closer relation with God.
This offers a specific formation for those who desire to specialize in the service of Inner healing in this community and offer their temporal or permanent commitment.
The human being is born with the purpose of loving and being loved. These love experiences in our lives since we are infants permit us feel connected to ourselves, with others, with God and with the whole universe. Sometimes, because of various experiences in life, these bonds that unite us to this love are torn, generating a profound sensation of loss y grief.
This objective of this workshop is to learn to process the losses living the grief one at a time, as:
The list of loss and grief may be very long and therefore it is essential to learn to process them so we can live in the present.